The vision of Deeper Root Academy is to provide business and educational excellence by serving our clients and community with compassion, commitment, and character. The educational focus is based on the study of Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence.
At the core of this theory is the recognition that people think and learn differently and that intelligence can be expressed in a multitude of ways. This approach differs from the traditional education provided in public, and private schools in Florida. Using the Common Core State Standards and Nationwide benchmarks, our teaching will incorporate each of the seven major intellectual domains defined by Dr. Gardner and provide opportunities for each student to use his or her unique intelligence to understand the subject matter.
In addition, we will help students understand their strengths and challenges using Multiple Intelligence as a tool. Students will learn to use strengths to acquire new information and work on more fully developing their knowledge in areas that are a challenge for them. Our Christian values and character education will also foster the sound qualities that should be at the core of humanity. We seek to rule out any chance of failure and teach our students to embrace their God-given abilities and talents in order to develop their understanding of how they can positively impact our world. This opportunity will be extended to those who qualify for scholarship based on academic or developmental needs as well as provide scholarship opportunity for those who may not otherwise be able to afford to receive this type of quality education through School Choice Options offered in Florida through the Department of Education.
At the core of this theory is the recognition that people think and learn differently and that intelligence can be expressed in a multitude of ways. This approach differs from the traditional education provided in public, and private schools in Florida. Using the Common Core State Standards and Nationwide benchmarks, our teaching will incorporate each of the seven major intellectual domains defined by Dr. Gardner and provide opportunities for each student to use his or her unique intelligence to understand the subject matter.
In addition, we will help students understand their strengths and challenges using Multiple Intelligence as a tool. Students will learn to use strengths to acquire new information and work on more fully developing their knowledge in areas that are a challenge for them. Our Christian values and character education will also foster the sound qualities that should be at the core of humanity. We seek to rule out any chance of failure and teach our students to embrace their God-given abilities and talents in order to develop their understanding of how they can positively impact our world. This opportunity will be extended to those who qualify for scholarship based on academic or developmental needs as well as provide scholarship opportunity for those who may not otherwise be able to afford to receive this type of quality education through School Choice Options offered in Florida through the Department of Education.