Students spent the week learning about and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here is one of the cute crafts we created with the students. It was very easy to make and doesn’t require many materials. Directions are provided below if you would like to make your own.
Happy Resurrection Day!

Materials Needed:
2Foam Paper Plates
1 Foam Cup
Cut the edge from one of the plates.
Next, use the cup to trace a circle onto the plate you cut the edge from. (For younger students, have them trace the cup onto the second plate as it will be easier for them to cut out.)
*Both ways are pictured to the right.*
Students color their cave and the circle that will represent the tomb stone.
Then add the words "Jesus Is Alive"
to the top of the plate.
Tape the circle, tombstone, onto the side.
Insert the cup (cave) into the circle cutout.